Mid Term
I would say that midterms are a blessing and a curse. i have had midterms in two classes... one doesn't count at all and the other could count if i did better on it than i do on the final. Let me just say that if i do worse on the final i need to find another profession.
At any rate, I took my contracts midterm on Monday. I walked in after about 5 hours of sleep and without having studied at all. Now sometimes people try to say they haven't studied but they really mean that they didn't study that much. I will put it like this... I am about 100+ pages behind in the reading and I didn't open my book since the previous Thursday. So i didn't study AT ALL. I also didn't have two of the three books that i needed for the midterm.
My performance was laughable actually. I mean what else could i do? I can't let it get me down b/c there's nothing i can do about it. But you best believe a change is gonna be made before the final.

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