Friday, August 27, 2004

1L Week One

I don't really know what to say about the past week. It was exciting, i met a lot of new and interesting people and i might even venture so far as to say i may have made some friends.

My main observations about the past week are:

  1. The work is indeed manageable... I just need to motivate myself to do it
  2. There are definitely people in my section that will have me wanting to hurt them by mid October
  3. Some classes are interesting... others are not
  4. Some professors are interesting... others are not
  5. I need to focus
I don't think that any of those "revelations" are particularly earth shattering but the first one will be essential for me to keep in mind. I've been taking ritalin for the past week and it helps... next week i'll talk to the folks at the Health Center about getting a referral so that i can get my perscription refilled. In other healthcare news, I lost a bottle of Zoloft... That's just scary. Hopefully i'll find it soon.

I'm debating whether or not i want to go the study group route. If I do I will probably seek out some folks from the summer program i was in, or i might stick to my hermit like ways and just do it on my own.

Saturday, August 21, 2004

Let the Games Begin

Orientation is over... and now it's time for the real work to begin. I'll admit that i feel a bit uneasy about the next couple of weeks. I thought that course was a good opportunity for me to get a leg up on the competition but either i didn't learn anything or i don't remember what i learned.

Yesterday we did a writing assignment in a group where we briefed a case... my ideas about the case were WAYYYYY off. I'm assuming the task of issue spotting will get easier... if it doesn't, i'm not sure what i'm gonna do.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

And so the journey begins

Today was the first day of orientation... I will begin this by saying... My school is
W H I T E... like lilly white even.

No, i'm not a racist. But i have done this before. Been at a school where the majority of the faces were not like mine. It's not that i expected anything different, it's just that it didn't really hit me until 8:30am today. I met a girl in the starbucks while waiting on orientation to begin. Cute little brunette. We talked about this and that and the start of the law school experience and things were nice. We left starbucks and headed into the school. Almost immediately i ran into two of my black friends. I introduced them to my new pal and continued to chat it up. When i mentioned sitting outside for a few minutes, while waiting on things to get started, my white "friend" declined. About three minutes later she exited the building with a few other white girls and sat at the next table over. No words were exchanged... in fact, for the rest of the day when i saw her she looked away and didn't return my smiles. I quickly took the hint.

Now some might argue that maybe she simply didn't like me or the other girls and I'm just fine with that. But i suspect there was something much deeper than that.

c'est la vie.

In other news, orientation was a terrible bore. I see the necessity of it, but it was a rehash of the information that i've spent the last 10 days getting. nevertheless i made the best of it and tried my best to meet new people. The downside of participating in that summer workshop is that we all tend to just stick together now. it's great to have a familiar face but i think it also makes us less approachable and i can't help but wonder whether or not i'm missing out on some opportunity to meet more people.

One thing that i noticed about the school is that all of the professors seems genuinely committed to our growth and development. I had that in undergrad as well, but i was too silly to actually make use of it. I'm determined to be more active in law school and do what it takes to make sure that i leave this school with no regrets.

Tuesday, August 17, 2004

I came i saw...

So i've been going to the financial aid office EVERY day. Today i actually got to speak to the lady who cancelled my loan... after spending 5 minutes being told that there was "no way" the office could have cancelled my loans. She too tried to tell me that she couldn't have done it... i insisted she was wrong. She finally checks the website and WHAT DO YOU KNOW!?!?! My loans have been cancelled!

As of 2:30pm the loan was uncancelled (is that a word?)

Let's hope they stay that way.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

I will not accept defeat

So today i was checking my loans online because that's what you do when you're obsessive compulsive like me. My private loan says "canceled"...
I call and ask why and all they say is that someone from my school "canceled" it...

Tomorrow i will go and throw myself to the financial aid wolves... if they tell me that for some reason it will not be reinstated i will not be in school this fall. I will be an unemployed female looking for a job.

I just want it to all work out. I'm ready to do the work, i just need to get in that classroom.

Pray for me (as usual)

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Briefing One's First Case

I attempted to brief a case last night... =-/

I was at a loss... i must've read the case itself at least 3 times and then tried to brief it. disasturous. Actually it wasn't that bad. it was just VERY time consuming. If that was a legitimate assignment, i dunno if i would have had time to do anything else.

This is going to be an enormous test.

I am ready.

Monday, August 09, 2004

Day One

Well kinda...

Today was the first day of that Summer Program i applied for and all in all it was a pretty good experience. I need to work on stepping out of my comfort zone a little bit more. Apparently i'm fairly shy. I'm trying to get to a point where i can just start convos with people but i guess i don't feel like i have anything to say. I'm trying though. I even thought up some topics to bring up tomorrow!!


That's pathetic i know but i have a lot of things i need to work on and my "shyness" is one of them.

The program itself is rather interesting actually. The idea is to get us up to speed before classes start so that we can hit the ground running. Hopefully that will work. Unfortunately, only time will tell.