Falling behind
That's what i'm doing... and to be honest i dunno if i'm gonna catch up

The amount of required reading is definitely increasing. Unfortunately i don't feel like i've found my comfort zone yet. But i am able to keep up with the reading and i know how important that is. For some reason there are certain classes where i feel like the teacher is speaking another language.
The worst part of having ADD is that it's not like you can just set your mind to it and fix it. Today was my first time being called on in Torts class and I swear it was like she was speaking a foreign language. I'm not sure if it was because i didn't have complete mastery of the material or what but it was like i couldn't understand her words... it created a bunch of anxiety.
Better luck next time
I'm not even sure where to begin. I'm exhausted... I know that much. But it's more than just waking up at 6:30 and not leaving school until 8 or 9. It's more like the mental health issues. It's no secret that i suffer from a couple of mental health issues and it's also no secret that i am probably a bit worse off because of situations i put myself in. I'm cool with all that and i have no problem admitting that. I do have a problem when it affects what i do on a daily basis and that's where i am now.
I've made an appt with the campus' psychiatry dept to be probbed, evaluate and tested all over again for ADD. I am sure that i will need to provide additional documentation from my past psychologist and psychiatrist and all that stuff. That doesn't bother me... What bothers me is the fact that i will be required to meet with them once a week. That is a hug time commitment and i'm not sure how it's all gonna affect my studying
I guess only time will tell
So i'm starting to see exactly what classes i'm not gonna like or at least that i will have trouble with and contracts is one...
This class does not hold my attention AT ALL. Next week the plan for this class is to leave the laptop in my locker and take some old fashion notes. I'm not sure what it is about the class or why i can't/don't want to pay attention but everyday that it happens, i fall a bit further behind and i need to nip that in the bud ASAP.
I guess concentration has always been an issue for me. I think that this setting is the first time that i can actually say, "I'm gonna need to know this" so i want to be able to focus and pay attention.