This is why I don't read...
So i've found myself continuing to compare schools, even though i've decided (supposedly) where i am going. The good news is that nothing is set in stone at this point. I can go to whichever school i choose and not worry about a daggone thing. That's comforting... but i just don't know what to do.
The fact of the matter is, i don't want to be a 6a - 10p lawyer. I don't want to have to bill 2500 hours. i don't want to have to leave out at the crack of dawn and come home when everyone is asleep. If i go to American, that is what i will have to do. My student loan payments will be somewhere around $2,000 and i just can't be in that kind of debt. American is an excellent school with tons of resources, but i just can't see myself in that position when i want to start a family soon after i graduate.
Being a female really sucks sometimes.